check10.txt Edit this file and then submit it to autolab. Be sure to watch the videos very carefully, and not just skip ahead to the parts required to answer these questions! Be *very brief* in your answers! Seriously. Brief. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Your full name and andrew id: 2. The full names and andrew ids of your groupmates, if you worked in a group. 3. Dates/times that you watched the videos listed in check9.html (fill this out as you go): 4. Total time this check required (fill this out when you are done): 5. Exceptions 5.1 Consider the lastChar(s) function given on the notes page. Write a simple try/except block that calls lastChar('') without the program crashing. 6. Functions Redux 6.1 When using variable length args, why would you put a * in front of the argument when calling the function? 6.2 What is the problem with using a mutable default argument? 6.3 Look back at the animation framework used for this course. Inside, we make use of lambda functions and functions as parameters. Briefly describe how each is being used. 6.4 What is the differences between making use of *args and **kwargs? 6.5 What is one reason you can think of to declare a function inside another function instead of making it global as we usually do? 6.7 Describe, in your own words, what a function decorator does. What is the relationship between function decorators and functions that return functions? 7. Recursion Part 2 Questions: 7.1 Why would you need to expand the size of the stack? 7.2 Why is the memoized version of fib so much faster than the regular version? 7.3 Which advanced worked examples (from 1-5) was the most interesting to you? Why? 7.4 In your own words, describe what a fractal is. 7.5 What is another problem you can think of that you might be able to solve using backtracking?