check4.txt Edit this file and then submit it to autolab. Be sure to watch the videos very carefully, and not just skip ahead to the parts required to answer these questions! Be *very brief* in your answers! Seriously. Brief. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Your full name and andrew id: 2. The full names and andrew id's of your groupmates, if you worked in a group. 3. Dates/times that you watched the videos listed in check4.html (fill this out as you go): 4. Total time this check required (fill this out when you are done): 5. Graphics questions: 5.1: How would you modify the provided code to make a 400x800 window? 5.2: What do the four main variables in create_rectangle represent? 5.3: How do you get rid of the rectangle's outline? 5.4: Why do we use rectWidth/2 and rectHeight/2 instead of rectWidth and rectHeight when drawing the inner rectangle? 5.5: Find the RGB values for your favorite color on and write a line of code to generate a rectangle in that color. Paste your code here. 5.6: How did we change the position of the 'Carpe Diem!' text without changing the given x and y values? 5.7: Why did we use x1 instead of x0 + width*3/3 for the third stripe of the flag? 5.8: Why do we use cy - r*sin(angle) when rotating around the circle? 5.9 Note the current time, then add a call to drawClock into draw that displays that time. Then trace through the code by hand. Make sure you understand how the minute and hour hands were generated in the correct positions. Include your new line of code below. 6. 1d Lists and Tuples questions: 6.1: Why is type([1,3,5,7]) == type(["a", "b", "c", "d"]) True? 6.2: What do you think a[:2] is, if a = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13]? Check to see if you're right after making a prediction. 6.3: What problems could arise in your code due to function parameters being aliases? 6.4: Why should you check (if value in a) before calling a.index(value)? 6.5: If a = [2, 3, 4, 5], what happens when you run a.insert(1, 42)? 6.6: What happens if you call .pop() on an empty list? 6.7: We demonstrated two correct ways to swap elements in a list. Which do you think is clearer? 6.8: Why is it a bad idea to modify a list while looping through it? 6.9: Is [] < [0]? Why or why not? 6.10: We demonstrated multiple ways to make a non-aliased copy of a. Which one do you think is best and why? 6.11: Write a line of code that sorts a list of strings based on the length of the strings. 6.12: Why do some list functions not use return statements? 6.13: How are tuples different from lists? 6.14: Write a list comprehension that has the same result as the following code: lst = [] for i in range(10): lst.append(i * 3) 6.15: We can change the delimiter (the text that separates values) in a piece of text using a combination of split and join. Write a line of code that change's the delimiter of the string s from "\t" to ",". That's it! Carpe diem!