15-316: Software Foundations of Security & Privacy
(Spring 2020)

Some doors with 15316 over them.

Security and privacy issues in computer systems continue to be a pervasive issue in technology and society. Understanding the security and privacy needs of software, and being able to rigorously demonstrate that those needs are met, is key to eliminating vulnerabilities that cause these issues. Students who take this course will learn the principles needed to make these assurances about software, and some of the key strategies used to make sure that they are correctly implemented in practice. Topics include: policy models and mechanisms for confidentiality, integrity, and availability, language-based techniques for detecting and preventing security threats, mechanisms for enforcing privacy guarantees, and the interaction between software and underlying systems that can give rise to practical security threats. Students will also gain experience applying many of these techniques to write code that is secure by construction.

Learning goals

The philosophy underpinning this course seeks to bridge formal principles with their practical application to enhancing security and privacy in software implementations. On the “principles” side, there are several key learning objectives.

Identify and formalize security and privacy policies. In order to reason about vulnerabilities in software, and ultimately demonstrate their absence, we need to agree on what it means for the code to satisfy security and privacy requirements. Students will learn how to formalize these policies using logical specifications, types, and mathematical definitions that give precise meaning to policies.

Understand formal proof and deductive systems. One of the key benefits of formalizing policies is that it becomes possible to conduct formal proof of a program's adherence to policy. Formal proofs can be checked by automated procedures, and in many cases can be derived automatically or with substantial assistance from automated tools. Students will understand the properties of deductive systems that lead to their useful application in software security, be able to establish these properties for novel deductive systems, and be able to conduct a formal proof that a piece of software adheres to a security policy.

Understand how automated software security tools work. Most of the tools and techniques that are discussed in this class are not perfect, and will never be able to meet all security needs in all settings. Understanding the principles and techniques that these tools use is necessary for evaluating when it is appropriate to use then, and for addressing their limitations in practice.

However, this is not a "pure" theory course, and much of the intended focus is on applying the above principles to real, practical problems that arise in software security and privacy.

Apply rigorous techniques to achieve security and privacy. The course will cover numerous techniques for translating the objectives of formal policies into practical implementations that meet these objectives. Students will learn how to use reference monitors, type systems, authorization logic, and state space exploration to ensure that implemented code satisfies a given policy.

Understand trusted computing technologies. Trusted computing and related technologies are widely used in practice, and continue to show promise in emerging "killer" applications. Students will understand how the formal principles underpinning this technology yield practical, scalable results through the use of hardware protections and software techniques that build on them.

Understand web security threats & best practices. Ensuring that web applications are robust against attack and manage users' private data correctly is a challenging problem that many developers will face at some point in their work. Many of the techniques and principles covered in this course are illustrated with practical examples from web security, and students will learn about the prevailing security models in this domain as well as several techniques for ensuing that application-specific security needs are met.

At all times, the interplay between attack and defense is central to the topics covered in this course. We will not spend much time is this course writing exploits for known vulnerabilities, but it is often the case that in order to design an appropriate defense, intimate knowledge of the attacker's design space and toolbox is necessary. Conversely, students will learn that once one has formalized a security policy and semantics for the system, it becomes easy to identify potential vulnerabilities, or to rule out entire classes of potential vulnerability. In short, students will not learn specific hacking techniques in this course, but will understand how to identify and analyze software vulnerabilities for the purpose of designing mitigations.


You must have completed 15-213 (Introduction to Computer Systems) to attend this course.


This is a 10 unit core course.

Place and time
Day Time Location
Sundays and Tuesdays 10:30 to 11:50 2052


In the table below, exams are in red and the next lecture is yellow. Grey days are in the past or have no lectures. Blue days have assignments due.

Note: to compile lecture notes, you will need to download the latex packages and place the .sty files in the same directory as the lecture source.


Ryan Riley (Instructor)

Office: 1019
Office hours: by appointment
E-mail: rileyrd@cmu.edu

Giselle Reis (Instructor)

Office: 1008
Office hours: by appointment
E-mail: giselle@cmu.edu

Zeinab Khalifa (TA)

Office: 1004
Office hours: Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 13:00 to 14:00
E-mail: zfk@andrew.cmu.edu



Homeworks are written assignments designed to help you master the theoretical concepts in this course. They will include things like logic proofs and describing vulnerabilities in formally described security systems.

Unless otherwise stated, all homeworks are due at 11:59pm on the date marked on the handout. Also, follow announcements on Piazza for deadline updates, in case extensions are granted. Written homework should be submitted through Gradescope, please notify the course staff if you have not already received an email to enroll in the relevant Gradescope instance.

In order to submit on Gradescope, your homework will need to be in PDF format. You are strongly encouraged to typeset your homework using LaTeX. Typically you will edit a .tex file which is compiled into a pdf. This file uses specific tags and commands for typesetting. If you only know Word (or similar) for creating documents, LaTeX takes a little getting used to, but it is worth it. After you become familiar with the syntax, some advantages are:

There are various tools for editing and compiling LaTeX. If you do not want to install anything locally, you can use one of the web-based ones, such as Overleaf. If you use Overleaf, upload all files in the latex directory of the handout. We recognize that certain types of answers, such as those that involve graphical figures or structured formatting, can be difficult or tedious to typeset. In those cases, the template will sometimes give an example in the comments that you are encouraged to emulate, but it is fine to scan a handwritten solution to include in your latex code as a graphic.

If you choose not to typeset your solution, then you must print out the provided template, write your solution in the provided space, and scan or photograph it for handin on Gradescope. Handwritten homeworks will not be graded until they are on the template, and those that are handed in otherwise will be returned ungraded. If the course staff has trouble reading your handwriting, you will not receive points.


Labs are programming assignments designed to give you hands on experience applying the concepts learned in this course. You will be writing and testing code and security policies.

As with homeworks, all labs are due at 11:59pm on the date marked on the handout. Labs should also be submitted on Gradescope.



Your final grade will be calculated using the following weightings:

Component Description
Labs (30%)

The lab assignments are designed to give you hands-on experience writing secure software that serves a practical purpose. In general, the lab assignments will ask you to implement some functionality (generally in C) related to a network server that receives HTTP requests, while ensuring that it is not vulnerable to a particular class of security threats. Some of the labs will give you hands-on experience using tools to help achieve this goal, whereas others will have you implementing a technique discussed in lecture.

The most important criterion with respect to grading the labs is correctness, and your justification for believing that your solution is correct. An ideal lab attempt contains a concise, correct security policy, and a correct implementation of an apparatus that enforces that policy or sufficient documentation of the steps you took to ensure compliance. However, it may be the case that your policy is incorrect, or too complicated for the grader to fully understand. Verification of policy to code cannot be fully automated, so it is possible that the grader is not able to certify that your solution is guaranteed to be correct. In these cases, you will receive partial credit, so it is also important that the code you hand in be clean and well-commented, as course staff cannot assign points to solutions that they do not understand.

Homework (30%)

Written homework will be assigned more frequently, and should not require as much time to complete as the labs. The goal of the written homework is to help you refine the fundamental skills, and better understand the theoretical underpinnings, that you will need in order to do well on the labs and exams. Grading for these assignments is based on the correctness of your answer, and the presentation of your reasoning. You should strive for clarity and conciseness, while making sure to show each step of your reasoning. Categorical answers with no explanation will not even receive partial credit, but lucid explanations of your attempt to find the answer will.

(15% midterm, 15% final)

We will have two exams. The content of these exams will more closely resemble the written homework than the labs, but some questions may rely on, or make reference to, key parts of the labs. The midterm will take place during the normal class meeting time, in the same room used for lectures. Both exams are "closed book" (i.e., you may not reference our lecture notes), but you are allowed to bring a single double-sided sheet of hand-written (by you) notes. Typed or photocopied notes will not be allowed.

Participation (10%) Active class participation counts for a small percentage of your grade, and in borderline letter-grade cases, could be decisive of what ultimately appears on your transcript. This is a relatively small course, so we expect to become familiar with each of you through your lecture attendance. Some factors that we will use to decide the participation component are interaction through good questions and answers during class discussions. Although you are not required to make use of Piazza, we appreciate students who are willing to help others by answering questions and providing helpful advice, and doing so will factor into your participation grade positively.

Academic Integrity

You are expected to comply with the university policy on academic integrity (see also The Word and Understanding Academic Integrity).

Collaboration is regulated by the whiteboard policy: you can bounce ideas about a homework with other students, but when it comes to typing it down for submission, you are on your own. You are not allowed to use notes, files, pictures, etc, from any previous discussion nor previous versions of this course.

And remember not to ignore your inner voice when it says “That’s probably not the best decision...”.

An Invitation to Students with Learning Disabilities

Carnegie Mellon University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. To access accommodation services you are expected to initiate the request and submit a Voluntary Disclosure of Disability Form to the office of Health & Wellness or CaPS-Q. In order to receive services/accommodations, verification of a disability is required as recommended in writing by a doctor, licensed psychologist or psycho-educational specialist. The office of Health & Wellness, CaPS-Q and Office of Disability Resources in Pittsburgh will review the information you provide. All information will be considered confidential and only released to appropriate persons on a need to know basis.

Once the accommodations have been approved, you will be issued a Summary of Accommodations Memorandum documenting the disability and describing the accommodation. You are responsible for providing the Memorandum to your professors at the beginning of each semester.

Take Care of Yourself

Do your best to maintain a healthy lifestyle this semester by eating well, exercising, getting enough sleep and taking some time to relax. This will help you achieve your goals and cope with stress.

All of us benefit from support during times of struggle. You are not alone. There are many helpful resources available on campus and an important part of the college experience is learning how to ask for help. Asking for support sooner rather than later is often helpful.

If you or anyone you know experiences any academic stress, difficult life events, or feelings like anxiety or depression, we strongly encourage you to seek support. Counseling and Psychological Services (CaPS-Q) is here to help: call 4454 8525 or make an appointment to see the counselor by emailing student-counselling@qatar.cmu.edu. Consider reaching out to a friend, faculty or family member you trust for help.

If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal or in danger of self-harm, call someone immediately, day or night at 5554 7913. If the situation is life threatening, call 999.