Due Tuesday 9-Nov, at 10:00pm
For this hw, you may submit up to 999 times, but only your last submission counts.
While you may submit to Gradescope as often as you like for this assignment, there is no autograded portion, so you will be responsible for testing your code and making sure it meets the problem requirements. You do not have to write test cases for interactive, random, graphics, data initialization or event functions. Instead, you should test by visually inspecting your code’s behavior as you complete steps of each problem, where reasonably possible. This will make debugging your code much easier.
In this problem, you will build Simon, the classic 1978 game. We are providing you with a video demonstrating the game, and some random notes from the developers. You do not need to perfectly mimic our "look" for the game, and should feel free to improve upon it. (But don't make it look worse...) You are also free to add some additional features to the game for a chance at some extra credit.
You are strongly encouraged to take notes as you watch the video, so that you don't need to watch it too many times.
Here are some notes from a developer. These are intentionally vague and horribly incomplete, just like most software documentation is. So, your primary source of information should be the notes you take while watching the video above.
General features of the game:
How the countdown timer works:
How the flashing works:
Note on Extra Credit:
For up to an additional 5 pts (maybe 10 if you do something truly amazing) add some creative, special features to the game. If you decide to do this...